Wednesday, January 05, 2011

It's a New Year

So that means new hopes for the future. So here's the essential question: To resolve or not to resolve? Here's my thinking: I should make resolutions because it makes me feel like I have something to work toward. After all, someone did say at some point or another, a resolution not written down is just a wish. Well, they actually said goal, but for some reason, I like the word resolution here. Anyway, should I just wish? Or should I make it concrete?

On the other hand, If I do make resolutions to, let's say, lose 50 pounds this year (which I'm not, by the way), and then I don't accomplish it, it makes me feel like a loser. So the question becomes this: would I rather be a mediocre wisher or a helpless loser? Hmmmm.

Of course, resolutions can't be that bad. But then publishing them on you blog for all to read, and later witness your loser-ness? Again, I revert to HMMMMM.

Despite my hmmm-ness, I will jot down a couple of goals here that I am sure to accomplish.

1. To Not gain 100 pounds
2. To Not feel bad about my messy house
3. To read more fun books
4. To not grade papers at home.
5. To not care about the fact that I don't grade papers at home.
6. To go to the movies more often
7. To cook more
8. To not feel bad when I don't cook more

I think that's enough for now. I do believe I have just discovered the solution to resolution-failure-ness. Write goals that you can actually accomplish. For example, I'm pretty sure I won't lose a whole lot of weight this year, so losing weight would be a stupid resolution. But I am also pretty sure I won't gain 100 pounds, either. Another example: If my resolution is to keep a clean house, well. I'm just setting myself up for failure, because we all know I hate to clean and I am very tired when I get home to work, so I settle for a semi-clean house most of the time. See? I've already failed. But to say not feel bad about my messy house? Done. Check. I am the best resolution-er ever.

I already feel better about myself.

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What It's Like Grading Papers: A Play in Two Scenes

Cast:  • Person #1 • Person #2 • John Doe • Person #3 Person #1 is sitting at a desk, writing something. Person #2 Enters with a Joh...