Friday, December 17, 2010

20 Random Thougts

I have stacks of essays to read. I have pages and pages of worksheets to look at. I have one very large assignment for my online class which was due on the 8th that I haven't even started yet. But what am I doing? Perusing blogs, watching Elf with my student, and munching on all the candy I have received today. (One of the few benefits of teaching Sophomores: they still give teacher gifts.)

I just have a few things on my mind that I need to get out of this crazy head of mine. I have come to the conclusion that I am kind of weird.

1. Alice was so mad a me today for going to work. She followed me out the door and yelled, "Stop It, Mama!" I am so glad I have two full weeks to be a mommy! But it makes me wonder what it's going to be like at the end of the two weeks.

2. The Magnum P.I Theme was on a mascara commercial last night. I couldn't help thinking, "This is NOT good!" It's sad that people will forever think that Magnum P.I theme song is really mascara music.

3. I really, really, REALLY hated Elizabeth on Biggest Loser.

4. My pants didn't fit this morning. Blech.

5. I don't have to make dinner tonight--lots of leftovers. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE cooking. I just don't like working full time and then cooking in a messy house.

6. I taught myself to knit last night. Then again, I don't know if knitting a 2 inch scrap counts as learning how to knit. But it's a beginning.

7. I wonder what would happen if I just decided to quit. Right now. Not come back? It's tempting.

8. Someday I am going to write a book and it's going to be made into a Disney movie, and then I'm going to be rich. Do you know what I'm going to do? Get my nails done. I miss them.

9. I really do not like funny Will Ferrell. I like serious Will Ferrell. Everyone should watch Stranger Than Fiction. It's my favorite movie.

10. I should watch Music and Lyrics some more.

11. I want to buy more Christmas presents just so I can wrap them.

12. I wish the Book of Mormon counted as American Literature. It would be fun to teach.

13. Here's what I think; I think most teachers don't really like teaching. They like learning. The only way to be a professional learner and make a living is to be a teacher. And then there's the teenager that you can publicly mock. They don't really know you're doing it, either.

14. I need more music in my life. I can't find any good radio stations that play new music that isn't jiggy-boo crap or country. Any suggestions?

15. I am reading Pride Prejudice. I've read it once before, but it didn't really count because I read it in one day because I thought it was due on Monday. So I didn't get a lot of it.

16. I would also get laser hair removal if I were rich.

17. I really want a big bowl of soup. And crab legs. Not together.

18. I miss my DVR. It seems that once you have one, there's no going back. I mean, there are only so many days you can watch Jack Bauer screw up his life on Netflix.

19. There are a lot of crappy books out there. It gives me hope that someone will publish my book (that I haven't written yet) even if it's crappy.

20. 3 hours left. Then I'm home for two, wonderful weeks!


  1. There are A LOT of crappy books out there, a lot. Yours will not be among them, so get crackin' we are waiting :)

    ps. Stranger Than Fiction is magical.

  2. I definitely agree with #7. I told one of my co-workers to not be surprised if I moved to Africa and didn't come back.


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