Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Alice With the Blue Dress On...

I guess that's an old song from like the early 1900s; I've never heard it, but a lot of people have been telling me about it, which is crazy to me because I can think of five songs right off the top of my head that say "Sarah" in them, but no one tells me about those.  I guess Alice is just cuter than I am.  Joe's mom has been obsessed with finding that song for little Alice since the day she was born.  Apparently, she thinks Alice will enjoy it.  The funny thing is, my mom has also been talking about that song.  She said that Hopie (her grandmother) used to make her play it on the piano because it was her favorite (Hopie's not my mom's. Forgive the vague antecedent). Mom also said it was the dumbest, most boring song in the history of the world.  I guess you can see the difference between our two mothers.

Anyway, when Alice was about three weeks old, my cousin's wife (does that mean she's a cousin-in-law?  I never quite know the relations on those...) came through town.  I had been fake-joking with her that we were going to cruise up to Montana (that's where she's from) to have her take pictures, or pay for her to come down (her photos are gorgeous).  It was one of those things like, "ha, ha, we love your pictures so much, we will pay you to come down.  Ha ha.  Not really, but really, would you?"  I didn't expect to ever get newborn pictures with her, with the whole Idaho in the way of Montana and Utah thing.  But she called two weeks after Alice was born, letting me know that she would be "swinging by" on her way home to Kansas.  Who swings through Utah on her way back home from Kansas to Montana?  No one.  That's how incredibly sweet Kris was, to go out of her way to come and take pictures of my new arrival. Who is in bed right now, by the way, and has been asleep since 9:00, thank you very much (so excited about that one).

So the pictures are done, and she has posted a couple of them on her blog.  If you click on the button that says "My Portraits Rock" on my side bar, it will take you to Kris' blog, "Meet My Camera" and if you scroll down, you can see the gorgeous-Mr-DeMille-Closeups of our girly-girl.  Take a gander and then feel free to tell me how wonderful Sweet Alice is.  I accept all forms of compliments, but particularly the ones where people tell me how cute she is in one breath and then how much she looks like me in the next.  


  1. What a cute girlie-girl yawn in those pictures from your cousin's wife (cousin in law .. whatever she is). I regret not having newborn shots of Emily. You'll be glad you have them.

  2. Your baby is adorable. She is so sweet! I was thinking, while I was looking at them, she looks just like you!!! :-)

  3. The family picture of the three of you is breath beautiful.
    She is a tiny little nugget of cutness, you are one lucky Momma!

    I am heart broken that I never got new born pics of my boys, heart broken.

  4. I just realized it's DEVIL with a blue dress on...but there is an old song about Alice and a blue dress...I hope that wasn't a Freudian slip....


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