Sunday, July 05, 2009

Similac Formula

Alice has been on Similac Advance, but I noticed that she has been getting stuffy noses, runny poops, and "baby acne."  I did some research and saw that a lot of people found that switching from cow milk formula to soy formula solved a lot of those problems.  Since I had a couple of Similac soy formula samples, I thought I would give it a try, and lo and behold, Alice's Baby Acne has cleared up and her stuffy nose has gone away.  So I'm switching.  The crappy thing is that I have one of those huge formula cans that you get from Costco that is almost brand new, along with a lot of prepared formula that I swiped from the hospital.  So if you know anyone that is using Similac Advance (the one with the blue lid) let me know and I can give them the rest of what I have so it doesn't go to waste.  Thanks!


  1. I'm so glad you figured that out for her! Are you doing Lehi Days with her this year...or is that all over?

  2. that was last week. But we went to the parade...she slept through it.

  3. Karmann had all the symptons you listed too. Seh was really colicy and fussy (screaming, wailling) all the time for the first 2 months. The doc said she was just gassy and wanted to give her some antacids. My sis-in-law told us to try the soy so we switched and she is now just the happiest little baby. I wish we would have tried it sooner. I'm glad you guys figured it out sooner.

  4. Good job! Way to research it out. We actually have some soy milk. It was a sample we got, but I've never used any. It's just the small can (the one with the pink lid, right?). Anyway, let me know when I can bring it by.

  5. we MAY need it since that is what we used with babies have Iron Stomaches!!!


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