Thursday, June 11, 2009

Six Weeks! (on Sunday)

Yay for being six weeks old!  Alice, you are so sweet and cute.  Your daddy and I can hardly believe that we ever had a life before you joined our family!  Here are a few things you have started doing in your first six weeks of life:

* You LOVE tummy time!  In fact, you get so comfortable, nothing really gets accomplished, because the second you are on your tummy, you go to sleep.
* You know your mommy.  You won't allow anyone else to hold you while you are tired and fussy, but if you have a full tummy and plenty of shut-eye, you welcome anyone who wants to hold you.
* You have discovered your tongue.  You like to suck on it, stick it out, and twist it around in your mouth.
* You are starting to sleep through the night (unless you're in a growth spurt, like you have been this week).  I can feed you around 10:00, and you don't wake up until 6:00.  You are so nice to Daddy and me!
* You eat 3 ounces every 3 hours, unless you are in a growth spurt.  Then it's every two hours.
* You love to take your morning nap with Mommy.  Usually, Daddy gets up with you at 6:00 in the morning, feeds you, changes you, and then brings you to Mommy where we take a nap together until about 8:00.  You either sleep on my chest, or you sleep snuggled next to me.  It's my favorite time of day.
* You are starting to hold your head up for extended periods of time.  You were holding it up the day you were born, but now, you're turning into a pro!
* You have started smiling--but mostly for Daddy because he is so funny.  When you hear Daddy's voice, you start to get really excited and fidgety until you can see him, and then you smile.
* You love being outside and looking outside.  I can sit you by the sliding door and you will look around for hours.  And when we go outside, you are very attentive and observant.
* You are a true Jones girl--a natural burper.
* You are starting to talk--not words of course, just cute little coos.
* You like to kick your legs a lot, especially against something to make yourself scoot.
* You are the prettiest baby in the world, and in six short weeks, have wrapped your Mommy and Daddy around your teeny tiny finger.
* You love Mommy to sing "I Am a Child of God," "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam," and "I Feel My Savior's Love" at bedtime.
* You are the most special girl in the whole world, and we love you!


  1. ack! She's too cute.

    There are some images coming your way very soon...

  2. I love that picture of her in the bumbo, too cute!

  3. what a little sweetheart!


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