Thursday, March 13, 2008

Who's my Office Character?

Which Office Character Are You?

You are Ryan. You are extremely smart and perceptive, and it irritates you to no end when inferior people try to tell you what to do. Sometimes, though, your critical eye makes you come off as aloof and bitter to others, and it may take awhile for people to get to know you.
Find Your Character @

Some people might not view this (above) as good news. But for me, it explains a lot. I have had many people tell me that they were intimidated by me until they got to know me. For the record, I am really nice, I am always willing to own up to my mistakes, and I have a fun/sophisticated/potty sense of humor. And, I've had a lot of people tell me I am smart. I'm not, really. I'm just a really good faker. So if you see me in church, and you're a little uneasy about me, well, just say hi. I'm really nice. My husband likes me, anyway.


  1. Thats awesome...saddly I am Dwigt, errr Dwight

  2. Sara I love your blog. You are your husband are adorable!

  3. I am Jim, I was really hoping for Pam, given that I am a receptionist, I like to watercolor and i think I work for an idiot :). Ironically there is a guy in our ward who looks EXACTLY like Ryan, it freaks me out. I have yet to learn his real name, I just call him "the temp", but not to his face.

  4. Anonymous2:56 PM

    that's who you look like! ha ha! i've got you now!

  5. I got Pam. - You are Pam. You are sweet and likable, but your shyness makes it hard for you to express yourself sometimes. Regardless, you are always there for your friends and will usually come out of your shell to help anyone.

  6. Anonymous10:11 PM

    i was michael scott. i'm shallow i guess.

  7. Yeah, at least Joe likes you...he he he, just kidding. WE all love you, Sarah!!

  8. Hey, I guess that means you are officially the hottest in the office. Sweet!

  9. I need to ask a favor...I can't make my blog private because of certain people who get on to look at it, but I am removing all last names and address/personal type stuff from mine...could you change our link on your blog so it doesn't have our last name in it? Sorry for the hassle, but I would really appreciate it! I haven't gotten as far as to change the web address yet since it also has my last name in it, but I'll let you know when I get there. Again...sorry for the weirdness, but that you so much!

  10. I have finally changed my domain address so it doesn't have our last name in it. It is


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