Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cloth Diaper Update

Daisy poops. A lot. Remember how I said we were going through a pack (the hospital size) a day? And remember how Daisy was born at 9 lbs, and is now 9 1/2 lbs? Well. These things affect my cloth diapering journey.

First, I have 24 cloth diapers. 12 of the fitteds, and 12 prefolds with covers. I have used all 24 in one day. Really, I have. I don't really mind doing the laundry, but I was getting really frustrated with getting a diaper all snappied in place, only to have Daisy grunt and poop AGAIN in a clean diaper. I know this is what babies do. And I know I should be glad I wasn't throwing those diapers away. But instead I was annoyed because it's really hard to get those prefolds on right.

For some reason, Daisy does not like the fitteds. She screams bloody murder when I put them on. BLOODY MURDER. I'm not even joking, either. At first I thought she had a medical condition, and then one day I took off her diaper and she stopped crying. I put a clean fitted on her, and she started crying again. I took it off; no crying. I put it on; uncontrollable screaming. I don't know what it is about the fitteds that she doesn't like, but she DOES NOT LIKE THEM. And they're really bulky. I didn't think I would mind because, hello, it's a diaper, and it's made for poop, right? Well. Clothes don't fit right with the huge bulkiness. Besides, there's something weird about the fit, too. I have to do the snaps on the smallest setting because it's too tight on Daisy's chubby legs if I don't, but then the waist is huge. Then I have to put a cover on top of that. I don't mean to complain, but let's just say the Kissaluv Fitted Newborn diapers just aren't cutting it for me. I think I'm going to sell them on KSL or Craig's List or something.

As for the prefolds: surprisingly enough, I really like the prefold diapers--and these are the ones I thought I would hate because these are the traditional flat diapers that you would have to pin. I really like these because, for some reason, Daisy doesn't mind the wet feeling with these all that much. Instead of the "I-Am-Going-To-Die-Right-Now" scream that Daisy would use when she was wet or dirty with the Kissas, it's more of a "Please-Change-Me-Now" whimper. Once I got hang of using a snappi (instead of pins), things are great. The fit is much trimmer, so she doesn't look like she has a JLo-style junk in the trunk under her clothes, which is nice considering the cover has to go over the prefold. My only issue is that I bought a newborn size prefold--Daisy, again, is now almost 10 lbs. The prefolds are almost too small.

So, between the amount of times I have to change her diaper and the fact that the newborn sizes are too small, but the one-size pockets I have are still WAY too big, Joe and I are 'sposie-ing it 75% of the time. I do cloth during the day until I run out of prefolds, and we use disposables when we are going anywhere--just in case Daisy decides to have a diaper-diva moment.

I'm not giving up yet--if I can sell my Kissas online, I'm going to use the money to buy bigger prefolds and more pockets to build up my stash. I know I will like the pockets because I've been using them on Alice, so as soon as Daisy hits about 12 lbs, I plan on cloth 100% of the time. Or at least 85.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is This Normal?

So Daisy sleeps. A lot. And poops. A LOT. I have always heard that babies eat, sleep, and poop, and that's it, but I never believed it because Alice only pooped once a day, ate on a very consistant schedule, and was awake during the day and slept through the night.

Daisy poops every time she farts. We go through crazy amounts of diapers, and she HATES a wet bum. People always say that babies poop a lot, I just thought they were all big whannies because I never had a problem with poop. I understand now. I went through one of those hospital packages of diapers in TWO HOURS. Is this normal?

And Daisy sleeps ALL THE TIME. Like 20 hours a day. She wakes up when she's really, really hungry--maybe every 2 1/2 to 4 hours. And then she goes back to sleep. If I'm lucky she might sit up for about 35 minutes, and then she goes back to sleep again. And then, she only wakes up like once during the night. I'm not complaining, but I'm a little worried--should she be sleeping this much? My Ped. says that she should be awake and more alert. She's not. I'm wondering if it's because she's a big baby--she can go longer? I don't know. I'm getting to the point where I'm worried that I'm not exhausted. I know this sounds crazy.

This baby is not schedule-friendly. With Alice, all I had to do was decide to feed her every three hours, and Alice just did it. Voila. Done. This baby? Not so much. I try to hold her off to eat every three hours, and do you know what she does? She insists on eating at 2 hours, 2 1/2 hours, or 4 hours. Not three. Never three.

You think that you know how to do this stuff because you already have one kid. Nope. I feel like a first-time mom all over again, worrying about every little thing, getting up just to check to make sure she's breathing, worrying over poop and sleep, wondering if everything is normal. The more I know, the more I realize that Daisy is, in fact, normal. Alice was not. Maybe. This is hard.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Here She Is...

So guess which is the theme song for the newest member of our family?

Introducing our very own Miss Daisy

Daisy Fay Bingham
August 3, 2011
9 lbs. 20 inches
Born 12:25 PM

And Miss Alice is thrilled

Birth story to come later. In the meantime, we're happy.

What It's Like Grading Papers: A Play in Two Scenes

Cast:  • Person #1 • Person #2 • John Doe • Person #3 Person #1 is sitting at a desk, writing something. Person #2 Enters with a Joh...