First, I have 24 cloth diapers. 12 of the fitteds, and 12 prefolds with covers. I have used all 24 in one day. Really, I have. I don't really mind doing the laundry, but I was getting really frustrated with getting a diaper all snappied in place, only to have Daisy grunt and poop AGAIN in a clean diaper. I know this is what babies do. And I know I should be glad I wasn't throwing those diapers away. But instead I was annoyed because it's really hard to get those prefolds on right.
For some reason, Daisy does not like the fitteds. She screams bloody murder when I put them on. BLOODY MURDER. I'm not even joking, either. At first I thought she had a medical condition, and then one day I took off her diaper and she stopped crying. I put a clean fitted on her, and she started crying again. I took it off; no crying. I put it on; uncontrollable screaming. I don't know what it is about the fitteds that she doesn't like, but she DOES NOT LIKE THEM. And they're really bulky. I didn't think I would mind because, hello, it's a diaper, and it's made for poop, right? Well. Clothes don't fit right with the huge bulkiness. Besides, there's something weird about the fit, too. I have to do the snaps on the smallest setting because it's too tight on Daisy's chubby legs if I don't, but then the waist is huge. Then I have to put a cover on top of that. I don't mean to complain, but let's just say the Kissaluv Fitted Newborn diapers just aren't cutting it for me. I think I'm going to sell them on KSL or Craig's List or something.
As for the prefolds: surprisingly enough, I really like the prefold diapers--and these are the ones I thought I would hate because these are the traditional flat diapers that you would have to pin. I really like these because, for some reason, Daisy doesn't mind the wet feeling with these all that much. Instead of the "I-Am-Going-To-Die-Right-Now" scream that Daisy would use when she was wet or dirty with the Kissas, it's more of a "Please-Change-Me-Now" whimper. Once I got hang of using a snappi (instead of pins), things are great. The fit is much trimmer, so she doesn't look like she has a JLo-style junk in the trunk under her clothes, which is nice considering the cover has to go over the prefold. My only issue is that I bought a newborn size prefold--Daisy, again, is now almost 10 lbs. The prefolds are almost too small.
So, between the amount of times I have to change her diaper and the fact that the newborn sizes are too small, but the one-size pockets I have are still WAY too big, Joe and I are 'sposie-ing it 75% of the time. I do cloth during the day until I run out of prefolds, and we use disposables when we are going anywhere--just in case Daisy decides to have a diaper-diva moment.
I'm not giving up yet--if I can sell my Kissas online, I'm going to use the money to buy bigger prefolds and more pockets to build up my stash. I know I will like the pockets because I've been using them on Alice, so as soon as Daisy hits about 12 lbs, I plan on cloth 100% of the time. Or at least 85.