Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Tutorial Part 2

This particular tutorial is a pet peeve of mine that I haven't really seen on any particular blog, but something I have noticed on many, many blogs. I don't even think that this is a real grammar rule, but it's something that has always bothered me, so I devised my own solution.

Here's the problem: I want to say "yea," as in , "Yea, I'm coming over." I also want to say "Yea" as in "Yea! I don't have to go to work!" But then there's also "yea"as in "yea, listen to God." Are they all spelled the same?

Answer: No. They are not. Unfortunately, I have never seen a consensus on what is correct. So, here is the Grammar Word According to Sarah:

1. Yeah: "Yeah, I really like that donut."

2. Yay: "Yay! I get a donut!"

3. Yea: "Yea, yea, verily I say unto you, eat a donut."

I have implemented this in my own spelling choices and have found them to clarify the way my writing sounds to the inner voice (you know, the one that talks when you read silently?).

Maybe if everyone likes it, we can all just start using it, and it will then become a rule. You know, like Will Ferrell did with the word "ginormous," which I physically and emotionally hate. But... whatever.


  1. I'm going to eat a donut.

  2. If this was facebook, I would 'like' this post.

    One question. When is it appropriate to spell donut, doughnut?

  3. I take it you like donuts? No?=) Actually the other day I remembered I hadn't had one in a long time and have been wanting one ever since. You can never go wrong with a donut.

  4. I like #2 and #3, but I always thought #1 should be spelled ya.

  5. I considered "ya," but then we run into the problem of "when are ya comin' over?" See...There is no good solution.

    Also, the donut question: I googled it and here is what I found: "In accurate English, it is spelt "doughnut". However, in American popular usage, it is often shortened to "donut", especially when referring to a toroidal shape and not the pastry."

    So in short, I'm pretty sure you can use whatever version you prefer.

  6. Thank you! I have been using "Yay!" for my excitement but then I read several "Yea!" and I got confused. I appreciate the tutorial. Please ignore my over use of the "comma" in my blogs, I've forgotten how to use them. I blame texting.

  7. I never know what to do about this, either. I think I will adopt your rules =-)

  8. I used to use "yea" all the time to express excitement in writing, but it didn't seem right.

    Then I saw my boss use "Yay" on facebook a few years ago and realized that seemed like a better way to spell the expression.

    So, I agree with your post. Yay for you and your brain!!! So smart.

    Also, I still remember you spreading the expression "Shallameno," which still makes me laugh, or something like that. You are a trend setter. Yay! Keep up the good work.


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