Thursday, April 04, 2013

Clarification and Some Thoughts

So on my last post, I had an interesting comment by a much loved one, and I have been thinking about it ever since.  With his permission, I'm going to post his texts, and then I am going to explain my thinking.  Okay.  I deleted the messages.  So I will paraphrase what he had to say.

Basically, my loved one said he was concerned with my statement that I am not an authority on Mormon Doctrine, his argument being that I shouldn't sell myself short, and that we all can be authorities because we understand the doctrine the best we know how.  Basically.  He actually made his point much better and with bigger words.

So, let me clarify what I meant, and then speak to the concern of the Loved One.  What I meant when I said I was not an authority was that this blog is not Official--meaning it hasn't passed through what we call correlation.  Correlation is where the Brethren (the Prophet and the 12 Apostles) review what is being taught and make sure it is accurate to the Official Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  In other words, if I say something that contradicts what the Brethren in the leadership of the Church have said, past or present, or if I misuse or misunderstand scripture, or if I am faulty in my understanding of the LDS doctrine, then I ask that you defer to scripture or the leadership of the Church.  I am a human being with limited understanding and who makes mistakes.

Basically, I don't want someone taking what I have to say and being all, "See?  This Mormon clearly doesn't understand her own church's doctrine, blah, blah, blah." Because I don't understand all of it.  That is what this blog is about--coming to know and be aware on a deeper level what I believe, why I believe it, and to become closer to my Heavenly Father and Savior as I study His words and the words of His Prophets, both past and present.  If you desire to learn about The Church's official stand on....anything...then I urge you to visit, or click on the picture of Christ on my sidebar.  That is where you will get the official word on everything.  This blog here?  This is how the Gospel works in my life, and any insights I might have.

Which leads me to my next point.  I believe what my earlier reader was concerned about was that I might not believe that I have the right to understand the Gospel on the level I desire, or that I am somehow insufficient and silly in what I have to say.  I am greatly touched by what he said to me, which was basically, "You're great.  You have a right to study and understand, and share what you understand, and you have the right to teach that understanding."  It felt good to get a shot in the arm like that, especially when this is something that's hard to write about sometimes.  And I want to clarify this: I am the authority in my life.  I am the authority on how the Gospel works in my life.  I might not understand everything and I might not live the Gospel perfectly.  But as I pray and strive to know more of God and His Plan for me, and as I feel moved to write these words and share my thoughts and feelings on this blog, I know that what I have to say and how I say it will be true for me.  And that's all this is--something that's true for me and my life.  And I have every right to teach what I know on that subject.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I have a right, and some would argue, an obligation to share the Gospel.  I struggle meeting new people and talking to them about something so personal and  important in my life, but lately I have felt that I wasn't doing enough sharing, enough testifying to those around me.  I don't really know how how to do that on a "hey, how are you?  Wanna hear about the Gospel" type of interaction.  I'm weird and awkward and...yech.


God gave us all gifts, and one of my gifts is that I can write (notice I said "write"not "type"), and another gift is that I can teach.  And I am quite good on both.  So.  I don't know who is going to read this ever, or what this will come to, if anything, but I am going to write and teach to my heart's content, and I am going to do my part in living my testimony.  Because I have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It's shaky at times, sure.  I struggle a lot.  But it's there.  Sometimes it's big and sometimes it's small, but it's there.  And it's time it got some notice.

So.  I hope that clarified any thoughts for anyone.  If not,'re on your own, because that's the best I can do.

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