Tuesday, November 06, 2012

It's One of Those

One of those posts that fly in the face of every Mormon Mommy Blog stereotype.  Here's a list of things that sort of piss me off.

  • Daisy, my beautiful 15 month old daughter, whines. Constantly.  I'm working really hard to get her to learn some words, but part of me hopes she doesn't talk.  Because then she would turn into Alice, who never stops talking.
  • Alice never stops talking
  • Alice refuses to go to bed every night, and then cries because I am mean.  Just once, ONCE I would like to be listened to.  I mean, I listen to everything they want: juice, food, activities, I would just like to be listened to once.
  • Obama.  He pissed me off big time.
  • The world in general.  The fact that they think that this man is capable of making things in our country better is unimaginable to me.  The leader of Iran endorsed Obama.  Doesn't that say anything?
  • I am really pissed that I am fat.  I am really pissed that I am fat because I had two children, and no matter what I do, nothing seems to change.
  • I am mad that I haven't woken up on my own in three years.  I really want to wake up one day without someone screaming at me for juice.
  • Sometimes, late at night when I am by myself and I really want to go somewhere and get out of my house, I can't.  Because it is not good parenting to leave your kids alone, even though they are sound asleep and I know they will never wake up.  That really makes me mad.
  • I am mad that I don't work anymore.  I know I spent the better part of two years complaining because I couldn't stay home, but now I realize, other than being with my kids (which I do love a lot), I don't like anything else about staying home. I hate cleaning.  I hate laundry.  I hate that there is no reason for me to get dressed in the morning.  I used to love cooking, but now I hate it because no matter what I make, no one will eat it.
  • I'm mad because I'm stuck in this stupid, dumb, small house, with its stupid, dumb 36 stairs.  I'm mad because Alice refuses to walk up the stairs, and I cannot carry two children up the stupid 36 stairs by myself, so she usually ends up crying at the bottom of the stairs for twenty minutes, and then walking up, and then crying for another hour because she misses daddy, who will carry her up any time she wants.  
  • I'm mad because Daddy continues to carry her up the stairs, which means that I will continue to be the bad guy.
I'm just tired.  And I'm tired of being tired.  And I'm tired of everyone calling called America a democracy.  It's not.  It's a republic.  

What It's Like Grading Papers: A Play in Two Scenes

Cast:  • Person #1 • Person #2 • John Doe • Person #3 Person #1 is sitting at a desk, writing something. Person #2 Enters with a Joh...