"Remember September, October November,
the wonderful months of fall (repeat)
The days get short, the nights get cool
the leaves turn gold and down they swirl
and all the kids go back to school
Remember September, October November,
the wonderful months of fall."
Simple song. It was always my favorite because it talked about September (by birthday). Now I like it because first and foremost, it keeps Alice quiet, and second, because I like the fall the best. Anyway, Remember September....
We went hiking on Labor Day. Aren't we cute?
Afterward, Alice was really tired. She had learned how to roll over that weekend, so it was new, and a novelty. She refused to stay on her back at any length of time. As you can see, she even slept on her tummy.
My 28th birthday was on September 9th. I look horrible in this picture because I don't have any glasses, and my eyes needed a break. But isn't the cake Joe surprised me with so pretty? He chose purple, because as a teacher at Lehi High, there is no such thing as too much purple.
This is the first picture we have ever taken of Alice in the tubby. I don't know why we waited this log, but isn't she so cute? A special thanks to Mr. Froggy, who works hard to keep our Alice nice and warm.
I believe this is the best picture of the bunch! Alice's favorite part of her tubby is getting wrapped up in a towel and going to see the "bundle baby" in the mirror. It's something silly I came up with to keep her from crying, but now she gets so excited to go see the baby bundled. She laughs and giggles every time.
Daddy and Alice at the Mascot Bowl. Every year, Lehi High hosts mascots from all over the country. We're talking the Jazz Bear, the Chicago Bulls Bull, Barney )can't figure that one out), the Sonic's cat or whatever he is, etc. This was our first year going, and I didn't think to get any pictures, but Alice loved being around all the people and all the music. It was so fun!
Alice has been branching out into more than just cereal--she's mastered green beans, peas, and she's on to squash. We're working our way toward fruits. She loves dinner time, but she also loves to look at EVERYTHING. She is usually very messy by the end of dinner, not because of anything she does, but because she won't hold still. Mommy frequently misses the target, and then she looks some where else so I can't scrape the yuck off her face. In this instance, she took a head dive into the spoon on her way to suck on the tray of her chair.
It has been a fabulous month. I am sad that I am back to work; I feel like I miss so much, but I love coming home to my sweet girl, who always has a big grin for Mommy.